Mental Health and the Dermatologist
mental health and the dermatologistWhile some celebrities and star athletes are using their platforms to help normalize mental illness, dermatologists may remain hesitant to care for their own mental health. “The nature of the road traveled to the medical profession and the performance demands placed upon physicians create a deeply ingrained belief that ‘perceived defect or weakness’ can be catastrophic for their careers� …
mental health and the dermatologist
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Hair Follicle Layers
hair follicle layersOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the layers of the hair follicle from inner to outer -Medulla, Cortex, Cuticle, Huxley/Henly, Outer Root Sheath, and Glassy/Vitreous membrane with the following mnemonic: My Cortex Cuts Huxley the Hen’s Outer Hair with Glass M- Medulla Cortex- Cortex Cut(s)- Cuticle Huxley- Huxley’s layer Hen- Henley’s layer Outer- Outer …
hair follicle layers
PAH Post-Cryolipolysis | The Expert Weighs In
PAHSELF magazine recently covered supermodel Linda Evangelista’s recent admission that she developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) after undergoing cryolipolysis. The article mentions a 2017 Journal of Drugs in Dermatology review that found the incidence of PAH post-cryolipolysis may be higher than previously reported. I reached out to one of the authors of the review, Jared Jagdeo, MD, …
The Art of Nail Findings in Patients with Skin of Color
nail findingsDr. Shari Lipner, Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Director of the Nail Division at Weill Cornell Medicine and President of The Dermatologic Society of Greater New York, shared her expertise of nail disorders in patients with skin of color: from nail psoriasis and onychomycosis to subungual melanoma. Dr. Lipner’s lecture focused on the following key points (spoiler alert!): …
nail findings
“Dolphin Skin” and Other Trends | Patient Buzz Series
dolphin skinThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about skin care trends from “dolphin skin” to “banana masks” to “potato hacks.” Feeling out of the loop? Don’t be caught off guard when your patients ask about the latest trends on TikTok and other social media channels. Be ready for your next office visit by browsing this list of dermatology articles from the consumer press. …
dolphin skin