Derm In-Review

Skin Tumor – Friday Pop Quiz 4/15/2022
A 65-year-old male patient with a history of chronic sun exposure presents with the lesion pictured that has developed over the past year. The histopathological findings are notable for enlarged keratinocytes infiltrating into the dermis. What type of mutation is most commonly seen in the pathogenesis of this tumor? A. Transition B. Transversion C. Termination D. Pyrimidine dimer …
Nails – Friday Pop Quiz – 4/8
A 92-year-old female patient presents with complaints regarding her nails. She states they often crumble, and have been yellowish in color for years. Her toenails are so thickened that it is difficult to trim them. She is otherwise asymptomatic and has no fingernail involvement. What is the most common cause of this patient's condition? A. Tinea manuum B. Tinea pedis C. Inflammatory d …
Atopic Dermatitis – Friday Pop Quiz – 4/1/2022
A father brings in his child who has a history of atopic dermatitis.  He reports a one-week history of blisters on the extremities and states this looks different than his usual eczema. The child is well appearing and happily cooperative with your exam.  What is the next step in management? A. Scabies prep B. Wound culture C. Tzanck smear D. Potassium hydroxide prep E. Punch b …