Derm Topics

Acne, Psoriasis, Winter Beauty and More: December Patient Buzz Series
Winter beautyAcne, Psoriasis, Winter Beauty - and More!  Be prepared for what your patients may ask! Do you ever field odd-ball patient questions and wonder where the information they presented came from? The new “Patent Buzz” series addresses recent dermatology news from the consumer press and provides background on the conditions and treatments your patients may ask about at their next office visit. …
Winter beauty
Ask a Mentor: On Skincare Retailing, Staff and Patient Education, and the Art of Designing Custom Skincare Regimens
Dr. Leslie BaumannWe are excited to announce our final mentor of 2018: Dr. Leslie Baumann. In this monthly Ask a Mentor segment, we identify an accomplished mentor in the field of Dermatology to answer your questions about career development and their unique areas of expertise. Do you have questions about cosmeceuticals or skincare regimen design?  Would you like to share or discuss any challenges you are exper …
Dr. Leslie Baumann
Practical Dermoscopy – Part 1
dermascopyIntroduction Dermoscopy, also known as epiluminescence microscopy, epiluminoscopy or skin surface microscopy, is a noninvasive technique for examination of skin by using a high quality magnifying lens and powerful lighting system to visualize the skin (Figure 1). Although dermoscopy was initially used for the study of mainly pigmented lesions, in the past several years its utility in non-pigmen …
Patient Buzz: Should Dermatologists Recommend Hyaluronic Acid Supplements?
Hyaluronic AcidThe Expert Weighs In In a recent interview on Good Morning America, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe mentioned hyaluronic acid (HA) supplements as a possible treatment to moisturize dry skin. Since Dr. Bowe said research on these supplements is preliminary, how should you respond if a patient asks about the benefits of an oral hyaluronic acid? For an expert opinion, I consulted W …
Hyaluronic Acid
Post Filler Ecchymosis Resolution With Intense Pulsed Light
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ABSTRACT Bruising after dermal filler and neuromodulator injections is a common side effect and can have durations of 1 to 2 weeks. While it ultimately resolves, faster resolution can produce better outcomes for patients and also make patients more likely to return for future treatments. We report the successful reduction in bruising following injections of fi …