Derm Topics

SOCU 2020 Pearls Galore: Acne, Rosacea, and Keloids in SOC
SOCU PearlsOne of my favorite aspects of attending conferences is the opportunity to ask respected experts in the field clinically relevant questions that I can take back to directly help my patients. I was really looking forward to attending the 2020 Skin of Color Update conference in person, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was moved to a virtual format. I wondered if attending a virtual confer …
SOCU Pearls
Patient Buzz Series: Skincare Product No-Nos
Mistakes when using skincare products is a common theme among the articles in this month’s Patient Buzz. What happens when cleansing oils are applied to wet skin? Is bar soap good for the face? Does menthol help or hurt chapped lips? Is the sunscreen in a facial moisturizer enough to protect the skin? Be prepared for your patients’ questions, including how to use skincare products, by revie …
Green Nail Syndrome – Friday Pop Quiz 12/4
green nail syndrome A 60-year-old patient develops a green-black to green-blue discoloration of one of her toenails. You suspect she may have green nail syndrome. Which of the following is not a predisposing factor to the development of green nail syndrome? A. Excessive use of detergents B. Excessive use of soaps C. Nail trauma D. Melanocytic nevus E. Frequent and prolonged exposure to water To fi …
green nail syndrome
Disorders of Pigmentation: Diagnostic Considerations
disorders of pigmentationPigmentation is key to photoprotection of the skin, eye color, and enhanced barrier function. With increased pigmentation, photoaging is minimized with a concurrent decrease in frequency of skin cancer. In skin of color, these pigmentary advantages come at a cost. These include an increased risk of hyperpigmentation and/or hypopigmentation, hypertrophic scars, keloids, scarring alopecia, and vitam …
disorders of pigmentation
More than Splitting Hairs: Diagnosing Alopecia in Skin of Color
Alopecia in SOCJust as hair types often differ among different ethnicities, the prevalence and presentation of dermatological diseases affecting the hair and scalp can also be diverse. These are attributed to innate hair shaft differences, hair styling practices, genetic influence, and inflammatory co-morbidities.  Differentiating scarring alopecia from other types of hair loss is especially critical in develop …
Alopecia in SOC