Rosacea in Skin of Color Patients: Nuances in Diagnosis & Treatment
Rosacea in skin of colorWow! Prior to my attendance to the 2020 Skin of Color Virtual Conference, I had not fully realized the deficits in my learning when it came to recognizing common dermatologic conditions in our skin of color (SOC) patient population. Prior to Dr. Ted Rosen’s lecture on rosacea in SOC patients I had figured I knew enough to identify this dermatologic condition in most clinical settings as well as …
Rosacea in skin of color
A Spectrum of Skin Tones: An Interview with Drs. Vatanchi & Carrington
A Spectrum of Skin TonesSkin of color is often interpreted simply as “non white” when in fact it should be viewed as a variety of hues on a spectrum. It is important for dermatologists to be equipped with the necessary skills to treat an array of skin tones because one finite mistake can cause unfavorable results depending on the amount of pigment in a patient’s skin. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Marjon V …
A Spectrum of Skin Tones
Maximizing Soft Tissue Filler Results in Diverse Patients
Soft Tissue FillersHow does darker skin react to soft tissue fillers? How do ideals of beauty differ across various cultures? Can fillers that stimulate collagen, elastin production or skin tightening be more effective in skin of color? How does cultural competency allow us to provide customized, tailor-made care in order to maximize filler results in diverse patient populations? At the 2021 ODAC Dermatology, …
Soft Tissue Fillers
Alopecia – Friday Pop Quiz 4/23
alopecia A 38-year-old African American female presents with grouped follicular papules, acneiform lesions, indurated plaques and tumors which are most pronounced in the head and neck area (see image). The skin lesions are associated with alopecia and mucinorrhea. She has infiltrated plaques in both eyebrows and complains of severe pruritus. She has experienced frequent secondary bacterial infections w …
Alopecia in Skin of Color: Alternative Therapies
Alopecia in Skin of ColorManagement of alopecia in skin of color is challenging due to a paucity of research into its pathophysiology coupled with a poor understanding of the basic hair care practices in this patient population. For the patient, it is often associated with severe emotional distress. Unfortunately, many forms of hair loss are refractory to standard therapies. At the 2020 Skin of Color Virtual Update, Dr …
Alopecia in Skin of Color