Resident Corner

Next Steps Webinar: Genoderms Made Ludicrously Easy – Tumor Syndromes
Hot off the ODAC General Session and his wildly popular presentation on Genoderms, Dr. Finch is back with a new webinar! Genoderms Made Ludicrously Easy: Tumor Syndromes [caption id="attachment_3417" align="alignnone" width="287"] Dr. Justin Finch[/caption] Review the clinical spectrum of genetic disorders with malignant potential Examine key dermatologic clues to the d …
GW Resident Segment – January 2018 Edition with Dr. Hsu
In this throwback edition of the JDD Podcast "Ask the Investigator," host Adam Friedman speaks with Dr. Sylvia Hsu, Professor and Chair of Dermatology at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University on her study published in the August 2008 edition of the JDD entitled, "A Case Series of 48 Patients Treated with Thalidomide." Get a taste of rich dermatology history with the evolution of t …
‘Tis the Season’ for Networking
networkingWhether you’re attending workplace parties or family gatherings amongst colleagues, peers, or friends, the holiday season is invariably primed for social interaction. This same social interaction provides opportunities for personal and professional networking. Now let’s be clear, I’m not suggesting that your dermatology future hinges on a chat with your Uncle Fred over egg nog! However, the …
GW Resident Segment – December Edition with Dr. Shapiro
superpotentQuestion 1 In your JDD podcast interview, you mentioned that about 50-60% of your patients with LPP respond to naltrexone. Have you seen any similarities between these responders that could help dermatologists identify which patients would be good candidates for naltrexone as an adjunctive therapy? Answer "No I have not seen any similarities. The response is unpredictable."   Quest …
GW Resident Segment – November edition
podcast_logoIn the newest JDD Podcast, "Pledge to Protect? Highlighting Flaws with the Isotretinoin Safety Monitoring", Ask the Investigator, host Dr. Adam Friedman of GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences is joined by Albert Einstein College of Medicine Chief of Dermatology Dr. Steven Cohen for a throw back podcast covering his landmark 2016 JDD study entitled "iPLEDGE Weaknesses: Is It Time to Address t …