I Wish I Had Known: 4 Tips for Utilizing Technology in Your Derm Practice
1. Focus on technologies that have a high likelihood of success in common conditions. 2. Have one room where you focus on many devices in the same space so that you can deliver the full buffet of services without moving the patient. 3. Steer people away from procedures that offer little benefit, even if they've read about them in magazines. 4. It’s a bad idea to buy technologies that ar …
Top 5 Tips for Successful Interactions with Your Office Staff
Derm StaffRunning your dermatology office smoothly and efficiently is no easy task. Check out these insightful tips for interacting with your office staff. 1. Staff Meetings Set aside designated times for staff meetings. Communication is essential to make this happen. Scheduled team meetings give a platform for your employees and promotes communication so that items are not discussed haphazardly through …
Derm Staff
Physician-Industry Relationships: Roles for Physicians: Part 1 of 2
Part 1 of 2 For physicians looking for opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of medicine, working with or within industry can be an exciting and rewarding career path. Unfortunately, during our medical training, we are seldom exposed to industry; moreover, the thought of leaving medicine and entering unfamiliar territory can seem scary and daunting. Knowing how or where to start can seem …
4 Tips for Approaching Patients with Psoriasis
psoriasisThis article offers pearls that are often overlooked, but can make a big impact in the quality of care we provide to our patients with psoriasis. If all four are too difficult to include in your next clinic visit, focus on just one or two that you can you incorporate into your regular care of patients with psoriasis. 1. Psoriatic Arthritis We all know that 30% of psoriasis patients develop psori …
I Wish I Had Known: Studying for the Boards
boards studyingStudying for the boards can be an incredibly stressful and daunting time. The Board exam is really a culmination of three years of intense dermatology training. You have been preparing for this exam throughout your entire residency. The weeks or months before the exam should be used as final preparation to review concepts or areas that you are rusty on or never properly learned. Be comfortable wit …
boards studying