Eruptive Milia Within a Tattoo
Milia within a tattooIntroduction The most frequently reported tattoo-related dermatoses, according to a study of 234 tattooed patients, are allergic,1infectious,2,3 and granulomatous4,5 reactions occurring in 2.1% of this population.6 Less common reactions are lichenoid,7photoallergic,8 pseudolymphomatous,9 discoid lupus erythematosus,10 incidental skin neoplasm,11 and koebnerization of psoriasis.12,13Milia within t …
Milia within a tattoo
Friday Pop Quiz #95
The correct answer is C. Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia.  Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia is a new term adopted by the NAHRS consensus group to encompass the terms hot comb alopecia, follicular degeneration syndrome, pseudopelade in African Americans, and central elliptical pseudopelade in Caucasians. In general, it is a condition that presents with flesh-colored, noninf …
Practical Applications of Lasers and Energy-Based Modalities in Skin of Color
lasers for skin of colorThe title of today’s broadcast: Practical Applications of Lasers and Energy-Based Modalities in Skin of Color. That is a mouth-full to basically tell us that we are getting the best tips to treat refractory medical and aesthetically-concerning conditions from 3 of dermatology’s foremost experts in skin of color: Dr. Eliot Battle, Dr. Cheryl Burgess, and Dr. Andrew Alexis. WOW! We were in fo …
lasers for skin of color
Isotretinoin in Acne: Fact vs Fiction
IsotretinoinDr. Lester is the Director of the Skin of Color Program at the Department of Dermatology University of California San Francisco. Wow! This means we got a “two for one special” from her lecture, not only learning about the truths and myths associated with the use of isotretinoin in acne but also recognizing that those who are underrepresented minorities or socioeconomically disadvantaged may no …
Patient Buzz: Skin Bias in Dermatology
skin bias in dermatologyThe New York Times is one of several major publications that have recently covered skin bias in dermatology. Is this coverage helpful or hurtful to the specialty? How can individual dermatologists make a difference in reducing disparities in care? For their take, I reached out to Tiffany T. Mayo, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Theodore Ros …
skin bias in dermatology

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