Vascular Complications of Fillers: Treatment Pearls for Impending Necrosis
Vascular Complications of FillerAs dermatology residents, injecting filler during our demo sessions is always exciting, as it is not something we have the opportunity to practice frequently. It can also be daunting, especially with the possibility of vascular complications. Patients come to you wanting to enhance their appearance, and the idea of possibly causing permanent and serious adverse effects can be terrifying. Thankful …
Vascular Complications of Filler
Challenging Cases in Skin of Color Patients
Skin of ColorThis year at the 17th Annual Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference (ODAC), Dr Amy McMichael presented the audience with new pearls of advice on how to approach and diagnose complex medical dermatology cases in patients with skin of color. During her session, she addressed the important need for providers to be able to recognize disease in patients of all races. The majority of the glob …
Skin of Color
Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient
Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient Introduction In aesthetic medicine, millennials have emerged as one of the leading patient demographics seeking minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.1-3 Millennials, defined as the generation of individuals born between 1981 and 1996, have surpassed baby boomers as the largest living generation in the United States.4,5 Extending between the ages of 23 and 39, this group is comprised of indivi …
Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient
Acne: What’s New and What’s to Come?
Acne in Skin of ColorI still treat my acne twice daily with a whole cabinet full of various topicals. I’ve tried and failed doxycycline because it disrupts every single molecule of bacterial flora in my body. I’ve tried and failed spironolactone because I was the poster child for nearly all of its annoying and inconvenient side effects. I’ve tried and failed several OCPs because my body was a little too convince …
Acne in Skin of Color
An Update on Laser and Device Based Treatment of Scars
Acne scarringI absorbed Dr. Paul Friedman’s lecture on Laser and Device Based Treatment of Scars at the Skin of Color Update (brain: “Don’t’ say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it”)…with laser focus. Sorry. But in all seriousness, his lecture was one that I anticipated with particular eagerness, among all of the fantastic lectures that comprised the weekend, for reasons both p …
Acne scarring

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