Part 1 – Hormonal Acne: Exam, Work Up, & Diagnosis
Hormonal AcneAcne is the most common disease of the skin and may be an important clue of an underlying types endocrine disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Cushing syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) or an androgen-secreting tumor (see Fig 1). [caption id="attachment_7579" align="alignnone" width="525"] Fig 1: PCOS-related seen in lower half of face[/caption] As  board certif …
Hormonal Acne
Doxycycline-Modified Release
ORACEAIn this month’s installment of our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet Series, we turn our focus to rosacea.  Antibiotics have been a mainstay for rosacea treatment for decades, but their side effect profile and dosing schedules can complicate their use. Enter Doxycycline-Modified Release (Doxy-MR).  This specialized formulation of doxycycline allows for sustained activity and a minimized side effect prof …
Marketing Tips & Tricks for Your Derm Practice
medical marketingMarketing is in a constant state of change. Google updates their algorithms almost weekly. Social media platforms add new features. Technology provides more innovation. The list goes on and on. A doctor recently asked Risa Goldman Luksa of Goldman Marketing Group, “What has changed in medical marketing over the last year?” In her opinion, below are the 6 biggest changes: SEO (Search En …
medical marketing
Cyclosporine Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
cyclosporineWelcome to the next delivery of our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, wherein we take a deep dive into the literature and guidelines to give you a quick reference on the use of new or complex therapies.  This series will become your go-to for information about dosing, potential interactions and laboratory monitoring, just to name a few.  Next up: Cyclosporine. Cyclosporine is a versatile and v …
Tofacitinib Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Welcome to our new series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, wherein we take a deep dive into the literature and guidelines to give you a quick reference on the use of new or complex therapies.  This series will become your go-to for information about dosing, potential interactions and laboratory monitoring, just to name a few.  First up: Tofacitinib. [caption id="attachment_6617" align="aligncenter" …

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