Patient Buzz: How COVID-19 Will Forever Change Dermatology
COVID-19 AND DERMATOLOGYEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. Refinery29 recently posted an article about COVID-19’s lasting impact on dermatology, questioning how the pandemic will affect everything from office visits to innovation to the demand for aesthetics. For an expert opinion, I consulted dermatologist Jeffrey Dover, MD, associate clinical professor of dermatology a …
Controversies in Photoprotection
Controversies in PhotoprotectionNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference interviewed Dr. Adam Friedman, Professor, Interim Chair of Dermatology, and Residency Program Director at George Washington University, on some of the common misconceptions and controversies surrounding photoprotection. With ample evidence today that shows that sunscreen both reduces the incidence of me …
Controversies in Photoprotection
Patient Buzz Series: “COVID Toes” and Other Skin Symptoms
COVID TOESCOVID-19 and the skin is a hot topic in this month’s Patient Buzz. Are “COVID toes” a manifestation of the virus? Can pandemic stress lead to dandruff? Are at-home mole removal techniques shown on TikTok safe? Review this list of articles from the consumer press and be prepared for your patients’ questions about COVID-19 and other dermatology topics: Allure: Dandruff shampoo …
Aesthetic Dermatology in the COVID-19 Pandemic
This post will include highlights of information shared during part 2 of “COVID-19: Urgent Medical and Aesthetic Issues for Dermatology”, a special edition webinar hosted on April 1st, 2020 by the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in partnership with Next Steps in Derm and SanovaWorks. Moderated by Joel L. Cohen, MD, Director of About Skin Dermatology and Associate Clinical Professor at the Univ …
How to Successfully Match into a Mohs Fellowship
Mohs FellowshipAfter all of the hustling and extra work you put in during medical school, you are now here living your best derm resident life. With each passing day, you can taste how much closer you are to being finished with your training, you can smell the signing and/or relocation bonus from your first job, and almost touch the freedom that will come with being an attending. But are you really ready to just …
Mohs Fellowship

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