JDD Issue Highlights | November 2021 | Special Focus: Lasers, Lights Sources, and Devices
laserWith a special focus on lasers, light sources, and devices, the November issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features an outstanding line up of editorials and original articles on topics ranging from deoxycholic acid (ATX-101) for fat reduction,  treating molluscum contagiosum, skincare for neonates and infants, laser in the treatment of granulomas on the nose, and everything in between …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Understanding Hyperhidrosis
hyperhidrosisImprove Your Understanding of the Seriousness & Care of  Hyperhidrosis with this SWEAT Mnemonic Severe Sweating - Patients with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis (Hh) experience severe sweating that is often four or five times more than what’s “normal,” or needed, to regulate body temperature or as a reaction to stress.1 This amount of sweat can be debilitating both physically and …
Dermal Filler Injections: Preventing & Managing Complications | Pearls from the Expert
dermal filler injectionsDuring the 2021 Skin of Color Update Virtual Conference, Dr. Hassan Galadari provided a highly anticipated lecture in which he discussed prevention and management of complications with dermal filler injections. [caption id="attachment_14289" align="alignleft" width="1024"] Table 1[/caption] The different types of dermal filers, shown above in Table 1, have been associated with a variety of c …
dermal filler injections
Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color: Not Common, But Certainly Not Rare
rosaceaRosacea is defined by facial erythema and telangiectasias, two features that are more difficult to appreciate in patients with skin of color. To refine our ability to diagnose rosacea in all skin types, on day two of the 2021 Skin of Color Update virtual conference, we had an informative, evidence-based lecture, “Recognizing, Diagnosing, and Treating Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color,” by …
Oral Glycopyrrolate for Hyperhidrosis | Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Glycopyrrolate for hyperhidrosisHyperhidrosis affects up to 4.8% of people in the United States, causing significant impacts in patient quality of life.1 Often times, the etiology of symptoms cannot be identified, resulting in a subset of disease termed “primary hyperhidrosis.” Symptoms may be focal or generalized. Because there is a scarcity of FDA-approved treatments for primary hyperhidrosis, treatment often requires a mu …
Glycopyrrolate for hyperhidrosis

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