Skin Patches – Friday Pop Quiz 8/4/2023
A 7-year-old female and her similarly affected father presented to your clinic with the skin findings shown below. What is the most likely cause? A. Chemical depigmentation B. Defective melanin synthesis C. Autoimmune destruction of melanocytes D. Defective migration of melanoblasts E. Overgrowth of Malassezia furfur To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, clic …
Patient Buzz Series: Facial Acids as Deodorant
Facial AcidsSubbing facial cleanser for your deodorant is one of the latest TikTok crazes that’s making headlines in the consumer press. Videos on social media claim that acids such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid are effective in killing the bacteria that causes body odor. However, dermatologists point out that it’s the combination of bacteria and sweat that leads to body odor, so people also should …
Facial Acids
JDD August 2023 Issue Highlights | Special Focus: Psoriasis
psoriasisWith a special focus on the topic of psoriasis, check out highlights from the August issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) straight from the JDD Editor’s desk: Consensus Statements on the Use of Corticosteroid-Containing Topical Medications in Psoriasis delves into the expert guidance provided by the Psoriasis Expert Group (PEG), encompassing nine crucial statements that offer com …
My Approach to Recognizing, Diagnosing and Treating Psoriasis in Diverse Skin Tones
PSORIASISNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Amy McMichael, professor and chair of the department of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, about her approach to recognizing, diagnosing and treating psoriasis in diverse skin tones. Watch as Dr. McMichael shares why psoriasis workups in patients with skin of color should be different. Don’t pro …
Facial Erythema – Friday Pop Quiz – 7/28/2023
A 60-year-old man presents with a tendency to flush combined with a background of persistent facial erythema. On exam, you notice a background of telangiectasias. He has maximized treatment with topical and oral medications and is considering laser treatment for his prominent blood vessels. Which is the laser of choice for this patient’s condition? A. Pulsed dye laser B. KTP laser C …