
ODAC Scientific Poster Highlights: Acne & Rosacea
acne and rosaceaDuring the 2021 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference held virtually on January 14th-17th, dermatologists from around the country submitted newly published research findings and novel therapeutics in the areas of acne and rosacea, all presented as part of a virtual scientific poster gallery. We share the highlights of each poster below! Efficacy and Safety of Narrow-spectrum Oral …
acne and rosacea
Acne: Changing Practices in a Changing Clinical Landscape
ACNEOne of my favorite diseases to treat as a dermatology resident is acne, as I find that it often has a huge impact on quality of life and self-confidence. Patients often come in when they have tried various over the counter medications and holistic treatments with no success and are frustrated at their lack of improvement. The good news for these patients is that there are many new medications that …
Patient Buzz Series: COVID-19 Fallout
COVID-19 vaccine and fillersThis month’s Patient Buzz includes news about dermatologic concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Are stress-related body acne and hair loss on the rise? What is the science behind stress and the skin? Are dermal filler patients at risk of side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine? Review this list of dermatology articles and be ready for your patients’ questions: Allure: Laser …
COVID-19 vaccine and fillers
Botanical Medicine in Dermatology: Safety, Availability, and Evidence
botanical medicine in dermatologyThe history of botanical medicine dates back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The many beneficial properties of plants have recently been incorporated into pharmaceuticals. Reviewing the pathophysiology of certain skin diseases such as acne, we can understand how herbal medicine may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment. Specifically, pomegranate juice has the potential to attenuate oxidative …
botanical medicine in dermatology
SOCU 2020 Pearls Galore: Acne, Rosacea, and Keloids in SOC
SOCU PearlsOne of my favorite aspects of attending conferences is the opportunity to ask respected experts in the field clinically relevant questions that I can take back to directly help my patients. I was really looking forward to attending the 2020 Skin of Color Update conference in person, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was moved to a virtual format. I wondered if attending a virtual confer …
SOCU Pearls