
Skin Microbiome and Acne: Connecting the Dots
Skin Microbiome and AcneWhen we think about skin, a few things come to mind: protection, temperature regulation, sensation. However, there is growing interest in the microbiome of the skin. Our skin flora can be likened to an invisible ecosystem. Similar to fingerprints, it is unique to each individual. The complexity of the skin microbiome is continuing to be researched. This research is paving the way to improve our un …
Skin Microbiome and Acne
Use of Hormonal Therapies in Acne
HORMONAL ACNE“2, 4, 6, 8… Who do we appreciate?” Dr. Julie C Harper from the Dermatology and Skin Care Center of Birmingham for giving us a rock-solid breakdown of hormonal therapies for acne. Although she didn’t lead us in cheers, she did teach us the “3, 6, 9, 12” of risk for venous thromboembolism in women of childbearing age. Read on to find out more! Before we get into the “nitty-gritty,� …
Antibiotics and Acne: the Bad, the Good, and the Brand New
Acne & AntibioticsTomorrow when we arrive into clinic (or this afternoon if you are reading this during your lunch break), we will invariably be greeted with patients who struggle with one of the most common diseases we treat – acne.  More than likely, we will reach for topical retinoids, topical antibiotics, and the occasional systemic antibiotic.  Evidence supports the short-term use of systemic antibiotics t …
Acne & Antibiotics
Your Acne Questions, Answered!
acneThe following questions were submitted by attendees during the GW Virtual Acne Appraisal Conference held on July 30th, 2020. To watch the on-demand recording of each lecture presented during the conference, click here.   Topical Management of Acne – James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD Is there any risk of minocycline foam causing minocycline-induced hyperpigmentation? Or is that more a …
Topical Treatment of Acne: Pearls from the Expert
topical treatment of acneYou are at the end of a busy afternoon clinic, with only a single patient standing between you and freedom to go visit a good friend and watch the Stanley Cup playoffs, of course after completing a metric ton of electronic charting. The chart in the door (or more likely on the EMR tablet) says “CHIEF COMPLAINT: ACNE”. Do you smile or groan? Acne vulgaris, or “common” acne, is itself among …
topical treatment of acne