skin microbiome

Patient Buzz Series: Flying and Melanoma Risk
The link between flying and melanoma made news recently after dermatologist Dr. Joyce Park posted to TikTok about the increased incidence of melanoma in airline pilots. In her post, Dr. Park recommended flyers wear sunscreen or keep the windows shut. She highlighted research published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015 that found the amount of UVA radiation pilots receive in a cockpit during a nearly hou …
Skincare Mondays | Colloidal Oatmeal: Composition, Benefits & Mechanism of Action
Colloidal OatmealColloidal oatmeal has a long history of use in the treatment of dermatologic disease. Oat is composed of various phytochemicals which contribute to its wide-ranging function and clinical use in atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions resulting from an impaired skin barrier and inflammation. OAT COMPOSITION & BENEFITS The main components of colloidal oatmeal are polysaccharides (including …
Colloidal Oatmeal
Gut-Immune-Skin Axis: What Happens in the Gut Matters to the Skin
Gut-Immune-Skin AXISThe gut-immune-skin axis describes how the gut microbiome communicates with the skin via complex interactions with the immune system to regulate local and systemic inflammation. Before attempting to delineate that relationship, we must first grasp a firm understanding of the gut ecosystem. The gut ecosystem is made up of the epithelial interface, which is characterized by the epithelial …
Gut-Immune-Skin AXIS
Lessons from the Skin Microbiome: Innate Immunity, Skin Disease, and COVID-19
skin microbiomeWhile I was beginning the process of “scrubbing in” to assist in the hemicolectomy case as an intern, I carefully squeezed the anti-septic chlorhexidine-soaked sponge and watched the brown solution drip its way down my forearms. I continued the ritual by cleaning under the fingernails and on every plane of the fingers, hands, and forearms multiple times. After all; “Clean Hands Save Lives,� …
skin microbiome
Skin Microbiome and Acne: Connecting the Dots
Skin Microbiome and AcneWhen we think about skin, a few things come to mind: protection, temperature regulation, sensation. However, there is growing interest in the microbiome of the skin. Our skin flora can be likened to an invisible ecosystem. Similar to fingerprints, it is unique to each individual. The complexity of the skin microbiome is continuing to be researched. This research is paving the way to improve our un …
Skin Microbiome and Acne