Spironolactone Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Spironolactone Therapeutic Cheat SheetHormonal acne is a prevalent and frustrating condition among many women. For those who are unable to control the disease with topical medications alone, spironolactone is often a useful systemic agent. However, its off-label use and potential risk of hyperkalemia have raised the question about serum potassium monitoring. We continue our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet series, with a closer look at spirono …
Spironolactone Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Intralesional Triamcinolone Acetonide in the Treatment of Traction Alopecia
In this case series, JDD authors evaluate the efficacy and safety of intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injections (ILK) when used with topical minoxidil in the management of traction alopecia in 6 African American women. Background Traction alopecia (TA) is a form of hair loss secondary to repetitive and/or prolonged tension to a hair follicle over an extended period of time. This typically …
Compounding in Dermatology Update – Part 2
In part 1 of this 2-part series, Dr. Kircik along with JDD authors Vlatka Agnetta MD, Abel Torres MD JD MBA, Seemal R. Desai MD, and Adelaide A. Hebert MD, reviewed the regulatory landscape of compounding in dermatology, including federal and state regulations. In part 2, they discuss FDA and USP Compounding Lists/ Categories and provide their final thoughts on in-office compounding. FDA Compound …
What’s New in Treatments for Hair Loss
Hair Loss TreatmentsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, is excited to share a new video series where dermatology key opinion leaders share important updates and pearls on a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatology topics. First up is Dr. Amy McMichael, Professor and Chair of Dermatology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, sharing …
Hair Loss Treatments
To Compound or Not to Compound
Compounding in dermatologyJDD Author and Senior Associate Editor, Dr. Leon Kircik, dives into the controversial and confusing  landscape of in-office medication compounding. In-office compounding, once part and parcel of dermatologic practice, has become increasingly controversial—and confusing. As a result of legitimate public health concerns, FDA scrutiny began with compounding facilities. Unfortunately, regulatory f …
Compounding in dermatology

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