Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Inhibitors Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
TNF inhibitors for psoriasisWith the advent of biologics, patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis have experienced increased control of disease and improved quality of life. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors are some of the earliest biologics prescribed for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and, more recently, hidradenitis suppurativa. In this month’s installment of Therapeutic Cheat Sheets, we discuss TNF inhi …
TNF inhibitors for psoriasis
JDD August Issue Highlights
Here are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the August issue of JDD: Clearance of psoriasis leads to greater uptake of cosmetic procedures in Increased Trend of Cosmetic Procedures in Patients With Psoriasis Who Attain 75% or Greater Improvement. The Effect of Tildrakizumab on Cardiometabolic Two Phase 3 Trials (reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2) examines the impact of IL-23 inhibition on c …
Methotrexate Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Methotrexate injection for psoriasisIn this month’s installment of Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, we will review methotrexate and its use in dermatology. Methotrexate has been utilized as therapy for psoriasis and many other dermatologic conditions since its approval by the FDA in 1972.1 While an effective systemic agent for a multitude of dermatologic and non-dermatologic diseases, prescribers should be aware of the side effect profile …
Methotrexate injection for psoriasis
Patient Buzz Series: Pandemic and Protests
Patient Buzz SeriesConsumer news articles are revealing patients’ questions about the impact of the deadly pandemic and nationwide protests on their skin, hair, and nail health. How can you prevent breakouts from wearing face masks? Should you avoid oil-based beauty products while protesting? Is ‘COVID toe’ not actually caused by COVID-19? Be prepared for your patients’ questions about these timely dermat …
Patient Buzz Series
What’s New on the Vitiligo Treatment Horizon
New Vitiligo TreatmentsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. John Harris, Vice-Chair of Dermatology and Director of the Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center at UMass Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts, on new vitiligo treatments in the horizon. Watch as he shares recent discoveries that have influenced the way that we diagnose and manage pat …
New Vitiligo Treatments

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