JDD June Issue Highlights
Here are the June JDD Issue Highlights: Guest Editor Dr. James Q. Del Rosso stresses that even the best case scenario of teledermatology can never offer the same as a live in-person visit in Virtual Exams No Substitute for In-Person Care of Acne and Rosacea. Treating Inflammation in Rosacea: Current Options and Unmet Needs, authors discuss the underlying inflammatory nature of rosacea, tre …
Inhibiting the JAK/STAT Pathway to Treat Inflammatory Skin Diseases
JAK InhibitorsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Jonathan Zippin, Vice-Chair of Research and an Associate Attending Dermatologist and Associate Professor of Dermatology at Weill Medical College of Cornell, and Director of the Contact, Occupational and Photodermatitis Service. Watch as he reviews the JAK/STAT signaling pathway in normal i …
JAK Inhibitors
An Update on Rhinophyma
rhinophymaGin nose. Gin blossom. Rum nose. Rum blossom. Brandy nose. Copper nose. Hammer nose. Potato nose. These are some of the disparaging terms that were once used to describe people suffering from rhinophyma. As can be seen, many imply the use of alcohol by the afflicted, which is sadly yet another example of the victim-shaming we so often observe when someone’s appearance or choices make others unco …
Coronavirus & Atopic Dermatitis Reporting Registry
SECURE-ADEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. SECURE-AD (Surveillance Epidemiology of Corona Virus (COVID-19) Under Research Exclusion - Atopic Dermatitis) is a secure, online, de-identified international reporting registry for health care providers to report outcomes of COVID-19 in atopic dermatitis (AD) patients. Clinicians worldwide are encouraged to report al …
Pop Quiz #68
The correct answer is A. Red-white longitudinal bands and v-shaped distal nicks. Darier’s disease presents with hyperkeratotic papules in seborrheic areas, acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf, palmar keratosis and pits, and nail findings including red-white longitudinal bands and v-shaped distal nicks. Oil spots and onycholysis may occur in psoriasis. Clubbing may occur in a variety of …

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