Mycophenolate Mofetil Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Mycophenolate MofetilWhen standard treatment options fail and corticosteroids are not a long-term option, dermatologists often have to look back to their tool-kit and pull out the “big guns.” Mycophenolate mofetil has emerged as a promising immunosuppressive agent for severe immune-mediated and inflammatory dermatologic disease. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at mycophenolate m …
Mycophenolate Mofetil
Imiquimod Cream Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Imiquimod Therapeutic Cheat SheetIn this month’s installment of our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet Series, we will review the topical immunomodulatory agent imiquimod. Originally approved for the treatment of external genital warts, FDA approval has expanded to include use as field therapy for actinic keratoses as well as treatment of superficial basal cell carcinomas. Here’s what you need to know about imiquimod. [caption id=" …
Imiquimod Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Inhibitors Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
TNF inhibitors for psoriasisWith the advent of biologics, patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis have experienced increased control of disease and improved quality of life. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors are some of the earliest biologics prescribed for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and, more recently, hidradenitis suppurativa. In this month’s installment of Therapeutic Cheat Sheets, we discuss TNF inhi …
TNF inhibitors for psoriasis
Methotrexate Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Methotrexate injection for psoriasisIn this month’s installment of Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, we will review methotrexate and its use in dermatology. Methotrexate has been utilized as therapy for psoriasis and many other dermatologic conditions since its approval by the FDA in 1972.1 While an effective systemic agent for a multitude of dermatologic and non-dermatologic diseases, prescribers should be aware of the side effect profile …
Methotrexate injection for psoriasis
Trifarotene for Acne Vulgaris Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Trifarotene for acne vulgarisAcne vulgaris is one of the most common reasons for visiting the dermatologist. Topical retinoids are a mainstay of and considered first-line treatment, but patients often face issues with tolerability, which can impact adherence to therapy. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at the recently FDA approved trifarotene. [caption id="attachment_10430" align="alignle …
Trifarotene for acne vulgaris

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